Lublin Info Centre


The sound of success: SIM Ltd.’s journey in Lublin’s high-tech ecosystem

Among the companies contributing to the development of Lublin's high-tech ecosystem are those with a rich tradition in crafting specialized electronics, demanding engineering expertise in information technology, telecommunications, and electronics. One such company is SIM Ltd., established in 1992 by five graduates of Lublin University of Technology. We had the opportunity to discuss the company's operations with the members of the management board, Jan Kasperek and Sławomir Rożek.

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Green Lanes

Green Lanes Group pioneering hemp innovations in Lublin

In the era of progressive green transformation, as part of the European Union's Fit for 55 programme, there is increasing emphasis on efficient resource utilization, as well as the creation of new materials that contribute to achieving climate neutrality. Among the companies operating in line with environmental neutrality is Green Lanes, a group that develops innovative solutions based on industrial hemp for the food and furniture industries. Piotr Pietras, the company's CEO, will provide a more comprehensive overview of Green Lanes.

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Turck drives smart industrial automation solutions in Lublin

Over the past decade, the Lublin Special Economic Zone has experienced significant growth, attracting major international companies to invest and implement projects that align with the Industry 4.0 megatrend, particularly the automation of production processes. One of these prominent investors is the German company Turck, with Przemysław Brzeziewski serving as the director of the Lublin plant.

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C2C paving the way for greener future

The circular economy is a domain where modern technologies address environmental issues towards creating a sustainable economy. A crucial aspect of these challenges involves designing and manufacturing novel biodegradable materials, which include packaging utilized in our daily lives on a large scale. C2C is a company that provides innovative solutions for producing biodegradable films. To delve deeper into their revolutionary technology, we talked with Marcel Nowosielski, the co-founder and development director of C2C.

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ACCREA Engineering

Accrea changes lives with robotics

The term 'high-tech' is often associated with various advancements, including robotics, which has long exceeded its industrial and military applications. Nowadays, there are more and more robots designed for everyday use, including those used in medical and care contexts. Accrea, a company based in Lublin and owned by Bartłomiej Stańczyk, specialises in creating such advanced robots.

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Transforming radiology education with VirtuAR

At a time of mounting challenges for the healthcare sector, there is a growing need to educate new generations of medical professionals. Fortunately, advances in information technology are addressing these challenges and providing increasingly accessible and effective educational resources. One such tool is Virtuar, a specialized platform that uses virtual reality to train radiologists. Professor Agnieszka Trojanowska, from the Department of Radiology at the Medical University of Lublin, is the creator of this innovative project.

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Plastic Omnium

Plastic Omnium driving future of automotive industry

The Plastic Omnium Group operates in the broad automotive industry, primarily engaged in producing parts and accessories for vehicles. The Lublin plant is one of 137 production facilities located in 25 countries. Aware of environmental issues the world is facing today, the company is focused on designing more sustainable mobility, introducing alternative energy solutions, new mobility habits and increasingly smarter vehicles.

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Cortivision explores power of mind

The origins of brain-computer interfaces can be traced back to the 1920s, when German neurologist and psychiatrist Hans Berger discovered electrical activity in the human brain through EEG examination. Today, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology is also used in the study of the brain. We had the opportunity to talk with Slawomir Sobótka and Wojciech Broniatowski, the co-founders of Lublin-based Cortivision, about the potential offered by research carried out using fNIRS technology.

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Quantum Blockchains secures future of data

When we talk about high-tech technologies, we often refer to blockchain technology. The Lublin-based company, Quantum Blockchains, as its name indicates, deals with blockchain and quantum computers. Today we will talk about these ground-breaking technologies and their applications with the company's scientific director, Professor Piotr Kulicki.

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BioMinds pioneering use of VR technology in neurological rehabilitation

The current value of the global virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) market amounts to approximately USD 11 billion. It is expected that the VR market in the coming years will grow at around 13% per year, while AR / MR at a rate of over 20% per year. According to analysts of Goldman Sachs, by 2025 the market of medical VR and AR / MR solutions will be the second most important sector in the entire VR / AR / MR market after the gaming sector. We discussed how to take advantage of these trends in the field of neurological patient rehabilitation with BioMinds Healthcare Ltd., the developer of a unique neurological rehabilitation system embedded in the Metaverse - VR.

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Pyramid Games: Game-Changer in Lublin High-Tech Industry

The computer games industry, or to be more precise gamedev (video game development), is a relatively young and yet the most dynamically developing sector of the creative industries today. In 2020 alone, Polish game developers generated revenue of almost one billion euros. Its dynamic growth is not only a matter of satisfying entertainment needs in the virtual world, it is also the result of the increased popularity of game mechanics in other high-tech service and production industries. In today’s interview, we talked about the potential of gamedev in Lublin and the development of the latest gaming technologies implemented by the Lublin-based company - 'Pyramid Games’ with its CEO, Jacek Wyszynski and Julia Kurasz, the company's Chief Operating Officer

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Keep a CosmoEye on your business operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted particular interest in recent years. One of the studies conducted in this area is the construction of machines and computer programs capable of realizing selected functions of the mind and human senses that are not subject to numerical algorithmization. We talked about the use of AI solutions and machine self-learning in the context of optimizing business processes and improving safety in an enterprise with representatives of the Lublin-based company CosmoEye.

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