Lublin Info Centre


Green Systems for Cities to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century – (SEMINAR 26.09.2024)

We invite you to participate in the seminar launching the project "Green Systems for Cities to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century – Green Networks", which will take place on 26 September 2024 (Thursday) in Lublin from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, in the conference room of the Lublin City Hall, Spokojna Street 2.

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Digital transformation support for Lublin’s SMEs

In an era where digital transformation is a driving force, companies are increasingly focusing on digitization and process automation. This shift is fueled by the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence-based technologies and is essential for achieving efficiency improvements, sustainable development, and resource conservation.

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Knowledge at your fingertips – Lublin Science Festival 2023

The 19th Lublin Science Festival is less than a week away (September 18-24, 2023). Once again, five Lublin universities, together with the City of Lublin and the institutions co-creating LSF, have prepared a number of scientific attractions. The motto of this year's festival is "Science for the Future."

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Eco-innovations for the public sector – seminar

You are kindly invited to a scientific seminar on the topic of eco-innovation for the public sector, which will be held on September 11th at 9:00 am at the ECOTECH-COMPLEX Analytical and Programme Centre for Advanced Environmentally-Friendly Technologies. Registration for the event is required: Eco-innovations – registration for seminar.

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Lublin Tech Mixer. Empowering IT-Industry networking for business success

We cordially invite you to join us for a business breakfast titled "Synergy of Industry and IT: Nowy Styl and Solet on the path of growth and digital transformation," which marks the beginning of the Lublin Tech Mixer series.

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Polish Investment Zone – a how-to

What benefits does the Polish Investment Zone offer for entrepreneurs? How to apply for CIT/PIT exemption under the Polish Investment Zone scheme (PSI)? How much financial support can an entrepreneur receive? What criteria are required from an entrepreneur? What is a "new investment"? Is it just the construction of a new hall? And what about companies from the business services sector, including IT? What investment financing instruments can an entrepreneur count on?

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Investment Zone

Polish Investment Zone webinar

The Polish Investment Zone (PSI) is one of the mechanisms to support new investments in Poland. A company planning to undertake a new investment may benefit from an income tax exemption of up to 70% of the total investment value. Furthermore, support may be granted not only to investments from the industrial sector but also to those from business services sector, including IT.

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AgriTech opportunities for Polish businesses post-Brexit

The Ultimate AgriTech Event – this is the title of an online business conference held last week between Polish and British companies which wish to explore how a Hull-based C4DI connection with Lublin might streamline international business and investment in the UK and Poland, especially in the light of the looming end of Brexit transition period.

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Lublin for Belarusian IT

How to set up a company in Poland? Which legal form to choose? What are the advantages of Poland in comparison with other CEE countries and tools offered to attract international IT businesses to Poland? And finally, why is Lublin an attractive location to establish and grow an IT company? These were just some of the topics covered during a special webinar addressed to tech companies from Belarus considering relocation or expansion.

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Support for R&D activities of IT companies

Investor Relations Office, Lublin IT Upland and KPMG have pleasure to invite representatives of IT companies for a free training on opportunities to obtain support for R&D activities.

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YOKOTEN Conference

'Yokoten – Lean Management and Automation in Production. Good Industry Practices Upland 2018' is a business forum organised by the Automotive & Machinery Upland Cluster Organisation – a unique event during which the latest technological solutions will be presented in the context of the challenges related to the development and optimisation of industrial production.

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8th European SME Congress

The 8th edition of the European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises will be held on 17-19 October 2018 at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The motto of this year's Congress is "Science - Business - Self-Government TOGETHER FOR ECONOMY".

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7. Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress

This year's 7th edition of the Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress will be devoted to building of lasting relations within the regional cooperation of Central and Eastern European countries in the context of the hundred-year tradition of independence, liberty and civil rights.

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Smart Ecosystems

Smart Ecostystems - International Conference & Expo will take place in Lublin, June 14-15, 2018. The main theme of the event is intelligent urban development, as well as cooperation with the environment created by entrepreneurs, the scientific community and, most of all, citizens.

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PUIG Lub-Invest 2018

The third edition of the Polish-Eastern PUIG Lub-Invest Conference will be held on 14-15 June 2018 in Lublin. This event is one of the most important international events devoted to Poland's economic cooperation with its eastern partners, with particular emphasis on Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Kazakhstan.

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HMTS Conference

HMTS Conference

The City of Lublin - the coordinator of Lublin Medicine Cluster - invites entrepreneurs and institutions interested in the development of inbound medical tourism in Eastern Europe to take part in the Conference "Health and Medical Tourism Summit 2018" that will take place on 12 June 2018 in Lublin.

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IIS Conference 2.0

IIS Conference 2.0

We are pleased to invite you to attend the conference 'Integrating international students: perspectives from cities, civil society and academia 2.0' which concerns integration of international students.

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Cities 2050

Cities 2050

The 'Cities 2050' Conference aims to present solutions from Poland and Europe that have allowed cities to enter a higher level of sustainable development, becoming modern and close to residents, open to their diversity. The conference will take place in Lublin Conference Centre on March 20, 2018, and participation is free of charge.

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10-10-2017 (the

'' (the is a continuation of "The Creatives" project, which has explored the potential of Lublin creative sector over the last four years. This year, we will uncover the unknown Lublin and the special guest will be Dimitri Roussopoulos, who will highlight the idea of 'the right to the city'.

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NLab: Lubelskie-Nevada Acceleration Bridge

NLab: Lubelskie-Nevada Acceleration Bridge – an international event with its main objective to facilitate cooperation and exchange of experiences between business representatives from around the world. It is coming soon and Lublin will host the business delegation, led by Brian Sandoval - Governor of Nevada.

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Lublin Subzone

“Lublin Subzone – 10 years of striving for innovative economy of the city”

On September 21st, a conference dedicated to the jubilee of the 10th anniversary of the EURO-PARK MIELEC Special Economic Zone Lublin Subzone will take place in the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin. CBRE Group, Inc., a global investment advisory company, holds the substantive patronage over the conference. Registration for a free conference, a detailed program and a list of speakers is available at

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