Lublin Info Centre

Capgemini – a global provider of modern business services

As a world leader in the IT industry, we work with the best and for the best. We deliver modern business solutions to the largest global companies. In Lublin, we see an opportunity for dynamic development involving the best specialists in the industry.

Capgemini is a French company, present in Poland for 23 years. Over the years, it has been developing, responding to the current market demand, the emerging new business solutions, and modern technologies. Today, Capgemini employs over 200,000 people worldwide, including 8,400 in Poland. The global reach of the company can be proved by the fact that its employees speak 24 languages professionally. Many global brands are our clients. We can also boast of the opinion of a socially proactive company that conducts an ethical policy towards its clients and competitors.

Lublin is one of the six Polish locations of Capgemini. We have established the Cloud Infrastructure Services department here, which deals with introducing innovations and modern services for business, using the latest IT technologies involving automation, artificial intelligence, robotics and cloud processes. The projects undertaken are aimed at developing teams for existing customers and attracting new customers.

The choice of Lublin as the next location of Capgemini was not accidental. Every year, domestic and foreign graduates of the local universities enter the Lublin labour market, and their knowledge and competences largely correspond to the preferred profile of our employees. The Lublin IT Upland initiative and comprehensive support from the Lublin Municipal Office in obtaining all necessary information, statistical data and in establishing contacts with universities were also decisive factors in the process of selecting the location.

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